When you place a Classified Ad, you can include up to 4 images (jpg or gif format) that are as small as 250 x250 pixels and as large as 640 wide x 480 pixels tall. If you need assistance in resizing, contact us.
Maximums: Size = 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels tall / Ad title length = 100 characters / Ad content = 20 words / Ad details = 750 characters / File size = 1 MB.
PLEASE NOTE: Picture files larger than 1 MB will not load. Also, if the picture dimensions (height and width) are too large, they will be automatically cut down to size and your picture will appear to be cropped. Verbiage will be cut off at the character limits stated.
- After placing your ad you will receive an email from us with a Listing Edit Key. This long number is your password to edit your classified ad in the future.
- Your ad will be reviewed by the NBCC classified administrator and approved/posted, or declined with the reason.
- You must post some amount for your item in numbers only, No commas, $ signs or text. If you wish to post Best Offer, etc. do so in the details.
- Your ad will run for 120 days and will then be automatically removed or you many repost.